Beyond Repair Review – A Short That Will Make You Try to Resist That Nagging Urge to Pee

Starring Kinsley Funari, Jesse Dillon Sorrells, Ember Burns, George Tutie
Directed by Robbie Barnes
We’ve all experienced the horror of being trapped on a long drive whilst desperately needing to visit a restroom, so Beyond Repair is instantly a film we can all relate to. Although I don’t think many of us can see that we were attacked by a vengeful spirit when we finally found a rest stop.
And that’s pretty much the setup for Beyond Repair, although we do also get some very unexpected twists thrown in at the end. There isn’t a huge amount of plot, but praise must be given to lead actress Kinsley Funari for embodying the sense of desperation we all feel when there’s no bathroom in sight, which soon turns into a different kind of desperation as she is forced to fight for her life.
Within the span of eight minutes, writer and director Robbie Barnes has undoubtedly succeeded in making you want to hold in the contents of your bowels rather than stopping at a remote restroom every time you embark on a long road journey. And that’s not something many other filmmakers have accomplished.
Beyond Repair will make you desperately try to hold in your urge to pee on long road journeys.