Bye Bye Baby (Short, 2017)

Starring Karina Kolokolchykova, Pilar Pintre, Lucia Martinez
Directed by Pablo S. Pastor
With an initial look of a character plucked directly out of Wes Craven’s Scream, our leading lady in Pablo S. Pastor’s short film, Bye Bye Baby finds herself up against some real terror on a dark and stormy night – read on for the non-spoileriffic details.
Our woman who is front and center here is responsible for the young girl she’s babysitting on this spooky evening, and after she’s safely tucked into bed, the familiar strains of “Bye Bye Baby” begin to play on an old radio, and despite her repeated attempts to kill the sound, it just keeps coming back…but that’s not nearly the only issue this pantsless lass will have to deal with on this night, not by a long shot.
For a short film that only runs a quarter of an hour, Pastor takes his time setting this up and using more than a few scenes with little or no dialogue, and while it can appear to be a bit long-winded (even for a short film), it’s very well constructed and adds to the tension we’re feeling waiting for the inevitable to happen…oh come on, you can’t even begin to call that a spoiler! What did you think, this gorgeous blonde was just going to collect her pay from the returning parent at the end of the night and head off into the black without a care in the world – HELLO! These are horror films, dammit – we revel in others misfortunes, tragedies, and other varying instances of bodily dismemberment.
Anyhow, if you’ve got the timeĀ and want to check out a fun little quickie, tuck the kids’ asses into bed and give this one a look.