Return to Hell Texas (Book)

Written by Tim Miller
Published by CreateSpace
Available on Amazon
Here we go again on another sick and twisted journey into Hell. Hell, Texas, that is.
Last we heard, Texas DPS State Trooper Garrett had destroyed Hell, or at least we thought. Now it’s 10 years later, and Garrett is a Texas Ranger, and once again people are starting to disappear.
Motorists and children are disappearing from El Paso in record numbers, and Garrett is sent to investigate. He knows that there is no way that Hell, Texas, could still be around, but he can’t help that feeling of doom in his gut as he returns to investigate once again.
While reading this story, it gave me that same uneasy feeling I had when I watched Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses. The characters are dark as fuck and as mesmerizing as ever. I really enjoyed the character Cole, who is really twisted but has an intelligent side to him as well; you want to hate him, but you can’t because he’s a force to be reckoned with. It’s a love/hate relationship I ended up having with him all the way till the end. The other characters are also an interesting bunch, and I enjoyed each and every one of them as the story unfolded.
Of course, this being a Tim Miller book, there were times I had to put it down, not because it was bad, but because at times it’s pretty graphic and I can be a wuss once in a while when reading extreme horror. Tim actually makes the characters in 1000 Corpses look tame when his imagination’s on fire, and believe me… this story has a lot of twisted Tim Miller imagination in it. For example, he’ll make you never look at a cheese grater the same again, and as for that guy on the side of the road that’s having some car trouble and needs some help? Just be a dick and keep driving please. Oh, and those bad people your mama warned you about when you were a kid? Yeah, they’re in this story, too, and they are the worst kind of boogeyman you can imagine. Imagine the worst kinds of people in Hell. Now imagine the worst kinds of things these people would do to another human being.
Yeah. Not only do these people exist in Hell, Texas, but they exist in the real world, and that’s what makes this book creepy as fuck.