The Poltergeist of Borley Forest Haunts More Than Houses; Exclusive Artwork Premiere

Sure… haunted houses usually get all of the spooky love but ghosts, demons, and poltergeists can also inhabit larger areas. Case in point: The Poltergeist of Borley Forest. Check out the first word and an exclusive look at the artwork!
Stephen McKendree directs. Marina Petrano, Christopher Ingle, Rhea Rossiter, Weston Adwell, Nicholas Barrera, Jason Beck, and Rebecca Barrow Hall star. Look for it June 30th on DVD, VOD, and digital download.
On a night of carefree teenage partying in the woods, Paige Pritchard unwittingly sets in motion a chain of events that will plunge her into a waking nightmare. Tormented by terrifying and increasingly violent supernatural visitations, Paige starts digging into the past and uncovers a sinister secret, buried for decades. Behind the deadly force that now haunts her is a malevolent entity of unspeakable evil. As its power grows and her friends fall prey to its savagery, can she – or anyone – stop The Poltergeist of Borley Forest?