Kurtzman’s Oddlot Handiwork!


As you all should be aware, former KNB man Robert Kurtzman has been keeping himself very, very busy as of late. Aside from making his first film since Wishmaster, the Andrew Divoff-starrer The Rage, he’s also been handling effects duties on the set of horror films on their way from Oddlot Entertainment. To make sure we’re aware that all the work is good for our beloved genre, Robert forwarded a massive amount of new stills our way for Buried Alive (his film from the group), The Living Hell and Undead or Alive: Zombedy, which is the absolutely horrible new title for Wanted: Undead or Alive. We’ll keep you up-to-date with more info as we get it, but for now enjoy some very cool pics!

Buried Alive

Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size!

Living Hell

Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size!

Undead or Alive: Zombedy

Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size!

Click to see it full size! Click to see it full size!

Johnny Butane

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