The Return of Eric Red!

Not sure how we missed it, but apparently the trades had a story yesterday about a return to writing and directing for Eric Red on a film called 100 Feet. This will be the first time Red’s been behind a camera since 1996’s under-appreciated Bad Moon.
Being as they’re so tight with the man, those sickos over at Arrow in the Head got a lot of cool info about the project from the man himself, such as the first synopsis: A young woman, Marnie Watson, is granted early release from her prison sentence for manslaughter (killing her husband – a violent NYC cop – in self defense) on condition she wear an electronic ankle bracelet and remain within her home, effectively under house arrest, for the remainder of her sentence.
Her late husband’s partner keeps tabs on her from a patrol car parked across the street, hoping she’ll violate probation and he can send her back to prison. But the 100-foot radius her ankle bracelet allows isn’t the worst of her problems. Her dead husband–now a malevolent ghost–is still in the house, where he died — intent on savage revenge.
Oh, now that’s gotta suck a lot … But I have to say it’s nice to hear about a ghost story in which the spectral menace is actually out to do some harm, and savagely at that, rather than just creep around spookily.
“This is an elevated, old school and classical supernatural thriller that relies on suspense, character and suggestion,” Red told the site “But it will also have also horrific scenes of visceral horror.” Now that is the sort of thing I like to hear! Hit the AITH link above for more of Red’s comments, and keep your eyeballs peeled for additional info very soon!
Welcome Eric back in our forums!