Open Your Eyes and Ears!
For whatever reason the 7:00 pm Carnival of Lost Souls goodies were almost an hour late being unlocked, so this report includes both the 7:00 and 8:00 pm EDT updates. But I can assure you the wait was well worth it.
First up are some Turistas cast and crew interviews. I have to admit that when I watched the first trailer, I was less than enthusiastic about this film, but the more details I see and hear, the better it’s starting to look. December 1st can’t come soon enough so that we’ll know once and for all whether our hope for Turistas is rewarded.
Next in line are two more new stills from The Hills Have Eyes 2 and 28 Weeks Later. I must say that’s quite a big spurt in the latter photo! Those poor Brits sure don’t seem to be out of the woods yet.
Lastly, we have the third and final Nightmare Factory premiere, which contains some very disturbing shit indeed (and I do mean “shit” literally)! It’s called The Eye Opener, but in truth my eyes were closed most of the time. Maybe your stomach is stronger than mine, and you can tell me what I missed.
Only one more update to go, and then we’ll be putting our coverage of Carnival of Lost Souls to bed for the year so make sure you visit the site one last time before you hit the sack to dream of all the upcoming goodness Fox Atomic has in store for us during the coming months.
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