#NYCC14: Dark Horse Comics Announces Richard Corben’s Rat God

There’s someone… or something… in the woods… and Dark Horse Comics wants to introduce you to it!
Getting a jump on the news sure to soon begin pouring out of the New York Comic Con, kicking off today, Dark Horse has announced that Eisner Award Hall of Famer Richard Corben (Edgar Allan Poe’s Spirits of the Dead) is set to deliver an original backwoods tale of terror inspired by H. P. Lovecraft with the release of Rat God Issue #1, arriving early next year.
Terrible things stalk the forests outside Arkham in this chilling series from comics master Richard Corben. An arrogant city slicker on a quest to uncover the background of a young woman from the backwoods finds horrors beyond imagining, combining Lovecraftian mutations with Native American legends.
Rat God #1 goes on sale February 4, 2015.