NECA Sharpens Blades on Dream Warriors Replica Freddy Glove

Countless Freddy Krueger gloves have hit the market over the years, from officially licensed cheapies to fan-made replicas that look like they were plucked right out of the movies. In-between are toy company NECA’s replica gloves, which combine quality with affordability…
…two things we love here at Dread Central. has just revealed that NECA, having previously released replicas of the gloves seen in the original A Nightmare on Elm Street and the 2010 remake, is next turning its attention to the glove from Dream Warriors, perhaps the most beloved sequel in the entire franchise.
Each hand-crafted piece is formed of a distressed leather-like glove with riveted metal attachments. Set to include a mannequin hand form for display when not being worn, NECA’s Dream Warriors glove will slice its way into your life later this month with an affordable SRP of $59.99.
Remember, kiddies: This… is GOD!

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