The Gasp Menagerie: Huge Alligator Puts the Bite on New Record

While massive crocs menacing big city sewers and huge gators eating cows on the shores of Lake Placid might be the stuff of legend, news from Alabama tells us that monster gators absolutely exist in the good ol’ USA. reports what appears to be a new world record gator. Clocking it at a massive 1014.5 pounds (over half a ton!) and exactly 15 feet in length, this gator caught in backwoods Alabama is almost definitely the biggest caught in the US.
While it isn’t quite big enough to eat helicopters, checking out the size of the claws is enough to keep you from taking a swim down Alabama way.
Caught during a legal hunt by Mandy Stokes and her family, the massive beast put up a four-hour battle involving hooks, lines, and shotguns before finally giving up the ghost.
Be sure to check out the slideshow over on to see just how incredible this monster really is.
At least now we know where Bigfoot went: This thing ATE HIM.

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