Dark Oz Coming to Theaters


Pras Michel buys Dark Oz rightsThough various projects have been mentioned over the years that would see a more horrific form of Frank L. Baum’s Oz come to the big screen, nothing’s ever come to fruition to date. Will the newly bought rights to the Caliber Comics title Dark Oz be among them?

According to Variety, the rights to Dark Oz have been scooped up by hip-hop artist Pras Michel of The Fugees, who are at the very least a hip-hop group I can have a bit of respect for since they’re known for working outside the mold. Michel plans to film a live-action version of the “gothic and more macabre” adventures created by Aaron Deneberg, Ralph Griffith and Stuart Kerr with cameras set to roll by the end of the year.

In addition to producing the planned trilogy, Michel will also star as the Scarecrow. I really hope something comes of this because a darker and more horrific vision of Oz has been a long time coming to the big screen and for once it’d be nice if it actually happened.

Johnny Butane

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