One Missed DVD


One Missed Call on DVD! (click to see it bigger)Finally, the news you’ve all been waiting for: Warner Home Entertainment has settled on an April 22nd, 2008 DVD release date for “>One Missed Call (review), one of the most hated movies in the hallowed halls of Dread Central!

But wait, that’s not all! The sources for DVD Active, who provided the cover art you see on your right, were unable to uncover any special features whatsoever for the DVD! Wow! So not only is it an inexcusably shitty movie, Warner’s not going to give you any extra reason to buy it on DVD!

Of course, the disc will be out on HD and Blu-Ray on the same date as well, so there’s a good chance that there will be features and they just haven’t finalized them yet. Not that it’ll make you want to get the DVD with any more urgency if there are.

If you’re looking for a good movie from One Missed Call director Eric Valette, my recommendation is to get Malefique when it finally comes to DVD the week before, on April 15th…

Johnny Butane

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