Jack Reher Adapting IDW’s The Shunned One For the Screen; New Book on its Way!

It was during last year’s Comic-Con that we first told you about the partnership between Life of Agony‘s Alan Robert and IDW which resulted in the graphic novel The Shunned One. Today we learned that it’s being adapted for the screen.
Jack Reher is the man who is behind the adaptation. The book focuses on an Angel of Death who goes rogue after being ordered to take several innocent lives. This guilt-ridden death angel begins to carry out his own judgment on humans based on their actions instead of whether their names appear on the preordained Death List.
The Angel’s unsanctioned murders instantly alter the balance within the universe and trigger a string of unforeseen disasters that spiral out of control. Banished from Heaven by his Creator and hunted by a pack of vengeful death angels, The Shunned One must hide among the humans to survive while trying to reverse the damage he’s done.
Look for more on that soon!

In other news, Reher also has a new book coming out with author J.B. Skelter called REX’D: Welcome to Scholomance. Look for it online and in stores on August 18th, 2014.
MONDAYS. Oh, the horror. Going back to school after a nice weekend. Homework. Tests. Gym class. It’s even worse for Rex Gerard, the “new kid” at Scholomance High. Making friends, navigating the rough halls, avoiding trouble… But on this particular Monday, it’s also Halloween. Rex’s favorite holiday. It was his mom’s too before she passed away. And today, Rex will learn exactly how she died and what his purpose is in this life as he unlocks the hair-raising mysteries and lurking monsters of Scholomance. But is he… is ANYONE… ready?

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