Legend-ary Casting

With cameras ready to roll on the long-awaited new version of Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend, casting rumors are swirling in force around the production. Though it was initially mentioned shortly after the announcement of Will Smith in the lead that Johnny Depp would have a role in the apocalypse saga as well, it turns out that was all blown smoke.
BlackFilm received confirmation that Depp will not take part in the movie, as he has officially signed on for Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd, and that Salli Richardson (pictured, Anacondas) and Alice Braga (Journey to the End of Night) have been cast. Richardson will play Ginny, the wife of Will Smith’s character, and Braga will play the girl Anna.
I’ve also read in a few places that the script being used for shooting under the direction of Constantine helmer Francis Lawrence is actually more similar to The Omega Man version of Matheson’s story rather than the story itself. God, I hope that’s not true; if we waited all this time for an updated Chuck Heston movie, I’m gonna be pissed.
Wonder how good Smith will be against the undead in our forums!