Fans Say The #1 Thriller On Hulu Is “Hard to watch”

The current #1 thriller on Hulu is possibly the wildest chart entry we have ever covered. It’s inspired by actual events and was originally a Lifetime original movie. Many viewers have hit play on Girl in the Basement, but most were unprepared for what they got.


“Inspired by actual events, Girl in the Basement is the horrific story of Sara (Stefanie Scott), a vibrant teen girl who was looking forward to her 18th birthday, so she could move away from her controlling father Don (Judd Nelson). But before she could ever blow out the candles, her world became extremely dark after Don imprisons her in the basement of their home. While Don tried to convince his wife Irene (Joely Fisher) that Sara ran away, he would secretly visit her in the basement to torture and rape her. Meanwhile, Irene and Sara’s sister Amy (Emily Topper) continued living upstairs. As the years passed, Sara gave birth to several children, alone in the basement. After decades of captivity, Sara finally escaped, and her family learned the devastating truth about what had been going on for over 20 years right beneath their feet.”

Also Read: Fans Praise #1 Thriller On Hulu: “How do I recover from this?”

Many Hulu subscribers were not ready for the terrifying tale of abuse. Most of them are also looking up details of the Fritzl case the movie was inspired by.

See what Twitter is saying about Girl in the Basement

Also Read: ‘The Clearing’ Review: New Hulu Series Delivers Cult Terror

The movie was directed by Elisabeth Röhm. It was written by Barbara Marshall. It stars Judd Nelson, Joely Fisher, and Stefanie Scott.

This movie may be too much for most of us to watch. However, here is the trailer to give you a sense of what to expect if you’re thinking about hitting play.

Watch the trailer

Did you watch it on Girl in the Basement Hulu? Were you already familiar with the case? Let me know at @misssharai.



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