New Hit Alien Found Footage Is Now Streaming [Giallo Julian’s Indie Shoutout 11/18/2022]

Holes In The Sky alien found footage

Shoot, is it that time already? Feels like I just did the last Indie Shoutout. Uh… Let me look through my notes real quick. 

Uh-huh. Oh yeah, that’ll work. Oh, that’s a good one! Hm… yeah, I think this one will fit. Okay, I think I-

Wait… I’ve already talked about all those projects. Well, damn… good thing there’s so many more! Not to mention all the updates I’ve gotten. Let’s waste no time and get this show on the road!


1. The Stag (Short Film)

From Evan Preston, director of Eye of the Beholder, comes his latest short film — The Stag! The flick follows a young womanizer trying to “work his charms” on a woman he met at a sex addicts’ therapy meeting… Needless to say, things don’t go how he planned. Check it out right here!

2. Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story (Found Footage Feature Film)

Remember that found-footage flick I kept talking about? The one that turned my perspective on the sub-genre completely around? The one which currently holds the most awards for a found-footage film? Well, it’s available to stream now! In case y’all forgot, Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story follows a documentary crew as they visit an alien abductee in the middle of rural Illonois — shenanigans, as usual, ensue. Watch the film on Amazon here and Vudu here!

3. It Came From Somewhere (Feature Film)

Not too long ago, I talked about a 50s-inspired creature feature titled It Came From Somewhere. Now, I’m thrilled to say that not only has it finished filming, but also has a new trailer out! Also, they have an Indiegogo for the film’s finishing funds up and running, which you can support here!

4. Deep Red Murders (Feature Film)

From filmmaker Dustin Ferguson comes a tribute to the Argento-esque Giallo films of the 70s — Deep Red Murders! Death, blood, black gloves, femme fatales, all the staples are present. Check it out on Tubi right here!

5. The 3rd Channel (Feature Film)

Earlier this year, I wrote about a fan film that followed the events of the often-hated/rightfully-loved Halloween III: Season of the Witch titled — The 3rd Channel! The filmmakers recently wrapped up filming and now have an Indiegogo up for the flick’s finishing funds. You can support the campaign right here!

6. On Wednesdays, We Talk Weird (Podcast)

Asherz — who I co-wrote an article about cannibals with a while back — has a podcast called On Wednesdays, We Talk Weird! Joined by co-host Pat O, they discuss all manner of paranormal events, cryptids, and conspiracies that span across this world of ours… as well as how their weekends went and envious tangents about people screwing ghosts. Good, clean family fun! To give the podcast a listen and to follow for updates, check out their page right here!

7. The Dead Coats (Music)

Austin-based band — The Dead Coats — is taking Central Texas by storm, one blood-filled raindrop at a time! This “grunge band with punk injected into their veins” is led by singer Lauren V Warner, playing such songs as Fire Again!, Forsake My Name, and Blood in the Water. Check out their music right here and keep updated on their events right here!

8. Bushwhacker Blues (Short Film)

Longtime Blood Babes know that I’m a sucker for a good Western, especially if they’re of the horror variety. So James Campbell’s Bushwhacker Blues had me hooked right on the spot! Bushwhackers, blues, werewolves — it’s all there. Check out this high-moon, lupine romp right here!

9. Ghosts of Hiroshima (Found Footage Feature Film)

Written and directed by Brandon Walker, Ghosts of Hiroshima follows “a vlogger who recently inherited property in Japan. While celebrating his good fortune, he unknowingly awakens a malevolent spirit lingering at the site of nuclear calamity. What initially looks like a gift, is an all consuming curse.” Check it out digitally right here!

10. The Sawyer Massacre (Feature Film)

For you Texas Chainsaw Massacre fans out there, director Steve Merlo has you covered with his new unofficial feature-length fan film — The Sawyer Massacre! Taking place a decade before the events of the original, the flick follows a group of travelers finding their way to a familiar isolated farmhouse in middle-of-nowhere Texas… Do y’all smell BBQ? Check out the film right here!

11. XIII (Short Film)

Directors Archie Meyer and Nathan Cox want to send some chills up your spine with their short found-footage horror flick — XIII! The film tells of two students working on a media project, finding a mysterious book — filled with strange, arcane symbols — at a public library. Their research of the books leads them to an abandoned building, which they decide to investigate. What’s the worst that can happen?… Spoiler: they find out. Check out the short right here!

12. HE COMES TO KILL (Feature Film)

From director August Aguilar comes a new entry from Strange Films StudiosHE COMES TO KILL! The serial killer known as Stanley Elk escapes from Rivera Asylum, terrorizing the town of Sandpointe while loose-cannon Chief Sanders is on his trail. It premieres November 19th, so be sure to check it out on their YouTube channel here then!

13. The Truth (Found Footage Feature Film)

Luykis Wamhoff has a passion project on YouTube called The Truth! A found-footage tale of the paranormal, the film was made over the course of two years with no script — just a couple of storytellers and a dream. If you want to reach that indie-horror soft spot in my heart, that’s a good way to do it! This is Wamhoff’s first feature, with several sequels being planned to expand the story. Check it out here!

Ha! Not bad, right? Think that’s the most Shoutouts I’ve had in an article. Let’s see if I can keep it up!

A huge thank you to all the creators that shared their work with me! Drop by next month, where even more Shoutouts will be had.

Until next time…

Ciao, friends!

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