A Sneak Peek of Hannibal Episode 1.06 – Entrée

Unless you’re one of the unfortunate souls who live in Salt Lake City and need someone to monitor your TV viewing, you’ll be able to watch “Hannibal” Episode 1.06, “Entrée,” tomorrow night. Here’s a sneak peek of the ep featuring psychopath Dr. Gideon (guest star Eddie Izzard), who keeps Will and Alana guessing.
With regard to that mention of Salt Lake City, local NBC affiliate KSL 5 TV has pulled the show from its schedule, posting on its Facebook page the following:
PROGRAMMING NOTE: After viewing the past few episodes, as well as receiving numerous complaints from viewers, KSL TV will cancel the airing of the NBC show “Hannibal” on Thursday evenings. This decision was made due to the extensive graphic nature of this show… NBC remains a valued partner to KSL TV. KSL is confident that with the proliferation of digital media, those who wish to view the program can easily do so.
Thankfully our fellow horror fans in Salt Lake City (we know you’re out there!) have the Internet.
“Hannibal” Episode 1.06 – “Entrée” (airs 5/2/13)
A COPYCAT MURDER CONFOUNDS JACK AND COMPOUNDS HIS GRIEF OVER THE PROSPECT OF LOSING HIS WIFE, PROMPTING HIM TO SEEK HELP FROM HANNIBAL – Jack (Laurence Fishburne) and Alana (Caroline Dhavernas) are contacted by a former colleague, Dr. Chilton (Raul Esparza), who believes he has the Chesapeake Ripper in custody; but then one of his patients commits a murder that matches the Ripper’s profile. The team determines the Ripper was a surgeon and is still at large when Jack’s former protégé, Miriam (Anna Chlumsky), becomes the next victim. Jack copes with her loss and the prospect of losing his wife by opening up to Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen). Lara Jean Chorostecki and Eddie Izzard guest star.
Related Story: A Look Ahead at Hannibal’s Next Three Courses – Entrée, Sorbet, and Fromage
“Hannibal” airs Thursday nights at 10pm on NBC. For more info visit “Hannibal” on NBC.com, “like” “Hannibal” on Facebook, and follow “Hannibal” on Twitter.

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