10 Trailers For Totally Overlooked Stephen King Adaptations [Watch]

It’s Stephen King’s world, we’re just living here. The granddaddy of terror publishes, on average, about three hundred books a year. Then just about each and every one of these works sees some sort of adaptation. Film, series, and stage … there are countless King reworkings on the market.
Of course, there are the classics. The Shining, Misery, Carrie, Pet Sematary and The Mist all come racing immediately to mind. Then there are the infamous missteps: Graveyard Shift, The Dark Tower and The Lawnmower Man, I’m looking at you.
But what about all of the lost film and TV adaptations in between? What about the dozens of entries into the Kingdom that were neither classic nor catastrophe?
Here are 10 trailers for Stephen King properties we just don’t hear enough about anymore.
Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
The Dark Half (1993)
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
The Langoliers (1995)
The Night Flier (1997)
Carrie (2002)
Riding the Bullet (2004)
Salem’s Lot (2004)
Dolan’s Cadillac (2009)
Mercy (2014)