That Time Leatherface Showed Up To The 2004 Teen Choice Awards [Watch]

With the Oscars right around the corner, it’s time to get in on the award-winning horror chatter. While the Academy Awards are historically rude to the genre, there have definitely been a few exceptions to the rule over the years. Get Out winning 2018’s Best Original Screenplay was a historic moment for horror cinema, while The Silence Of The Lambs 1991 sweep was another spooky night for the history books. But what about the other, lesser-acknowledged horror wins? They’re worth celebrating, too, aren’t they?
In 2004 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake took home the surfboard at the Teen Choice Awards for Best Thriller. And who was the recipient of this mighty accolade? Leatherface himself, of course. Our boy showed up looking his best to accept the award on behalf of the Platinum Dunes remake, chainsaw in hand. First order of business? Butchering Randy from American Idol. He goes on to clarify that his favorite judge was Simon. Obviously.
Leatherface’s acceptance speech was thoughtful and traditional. He thanked his agent and had a cute Sally Field callback. He even gives a personal shoutout to the Malibu Kabbalah Centre, and points out the red string around his wrist. Don’t forget, 2004 was at the height of the Madonna/Britney Spears Kabbalist movement, so this made a touch more sense back in the early aughts. Adam Sandler found this joke to be especially entertaining.
Check out Leatherface at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards right here:
Don’t forget to watch horror hero Leatherface in his most recent outing, Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Netflix.