MGM’s Interest in an Incredible Shrinking Man Remake Grows

The Hollywood Reporter
MGM seems to be less in the business of making movies than they are remaking them. Having already had a hand in several remakes, including the upcoming Robocop, and with plans for reboots of Ben-Hur, Death Wish, The Magnificent Seven, and The Town that Dread Sundown…
We can now add The Incredible Shrinking Man to the studio’s to do list.
Jack Arnold’s 1957 adaptation of Richard Matheson’s novel The Incredible Shrinking Man remains to this day a bona fide science fiction masterpiece. An allegory about man’s diminishing place in the world, Matheson’s tale, penned at the height of 1950’s Atomic Age paranoia, told the tale of a man exposed to radiation and insecticide who begins to shrink in size, causing everyday things to become a gigantic hurdle or an inherent danger.
The good news according to THR’s story is that soon-to-be 87-year-old Matheson, along with his son, will be working on the script that (as of now, who knows how things will change once the creative process gets going) keeps the central themes and tone of the original film while updating the catalyst for his shrinking from radiation poisoning to nanotechnology gone amok.
At this point it’s hard to get excited about any news of yet another Hollywood remake, especially one coming from the same outfit, but we can look on one bright side. At least we won’t be getting that comedic remake of The Incredible Shrinking Man starring Eddie Murphy and directed by Brett Ratner that Universal was developing just a few short years ago.

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