Strange Kids Club Envisions The Burning 2 Poster in Limited Edition Prints

Okay, before you get too excited, The Burning 2 does not exist as a film. However, Strange Kids Club is proud to announce a movie poster designed for this faux sequel. Created by Nathan Thomas Milliner, check out the poster for The Burning 2.
If you’re not familiar with Strange Kid, according to the website, he is “…gifted with a highly imaginative vision of the world. Strange Kid is the outsider that appeals to all of us – the inner child that never quite goes away. His impulsive behavior and warped sensibility personify him as a well-intentioned deviant who likes watching monster movies, playing ultraviolent video games and being an all-around prankster. He’s a bit crass and sarcastic, but not altogether evil…maybe just a bit misguided.” Sound like anyone you know?
The Burning 2 poster is the first in a series that will run once a month from now until December. Keep an eye out for the next installment. For more visit the official Strange Kids Club website, “like” Strange Kids Club on Facebook and follow Strange Kids Club on Twitter (@strangekidsclub).
From the Press Release
Cropsey Lives…
Strange Kids Club is proud to announce the release of its first ever collector’s print series based on horror sequels that don’t, but certainly should, exist. We’ve partnered with three different artists to bring you a new print every month from October to December, and this month we’re honored to share Nathan Thomas Milliner’s exclusive artwork for The Burning 2!
The print will officially go on pre-order this Thursday, October 4th. Follow us on Twitter or Facebookand be the first to find out when!

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