More Updates from Scream Factory: Blu-ray Artwork for The Nest & Deadly Blessing; Prison Announced for 2013

Over the last couple of days The Scream Factory’s Facebook page has been revealing the artwork for their upcoming Blu-rays of The Nest and Deadly Blessing. In addition, today being Friday, they also announced another new release for us to look forward to: 1988’s Prison.
Prison was directed by Renny Harlin and stars Viggo Mortensen, Chelsea Field, Lane Smith, Kane Hodder, Tommy “Tiny” Lister, and Tom Everett. Look for it sometime in 2013.
Prison Synopsis:
After Charles Forsythe (was sent to the electric chair for a crime he didn’t commit, he forever haunts the prison where he was executed. Flash forward several years when the prison is reopened, under the control of its new warden Eaton Sharpe, a former security guard who framed Charlie. When prisoners are ordered to break down the wall to the execution room, they unknowingly release the angry spirit of Charles Forsyth, a powerful being distributing his murderous rage to all, leading up to the Warden himself.
The Factory’s “Latest Artwork” photo album on Facebook was home to these beauties:
The Nest Synopsis:
Horrifying shocker as a biological experiment goes haywire when meat-eating mutant roaches invade an island community, terrorizing a peaceful New England fishing village and hideously butchering its citizens. Directed by Terence H. Winkless; starring Robert Lansing and Lisa Langlois.

Deadly Blessing Synopsis:
A former Hittite (a member of an Amish-like sect) dies in a mysterious tractor “accident”, and his widow is left to face the frightening Hittites who view her as “the incubus” and may have sinister designs on her. Directed by Wes Craven; starring Sharon Stone, Ernest Borgnine, Lois Nettleton, and Maren Jensen.

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