Dread Central Hosting Twitter Chat with V/H/S Segment Director Joe Swanberg

On Saturday, September 22nd (that’s tomorrow for you space cadets not following along), we’ll be taking to our Twitter account to host a special fan chat with director Joe Swanberg, who came up with the segment “The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger” from V/H/S.
Taking part, or even just watching, is simple. First, be sure you’re following @DreadCentral on Twitter, and then make sure you’re following @Joe_Swanberg on Twitter. Finally, follow the hashtag #VHSmovie. It’s really that simple. Feel free to watch and interact accordingly!
If you have any specific questions you want us to ask because you’re too shy, just message them to us @DreadCentral on Twitter with the hashtag #VHSmovie. The fun starts at 2:00pm EST (11:00am PT) and will last for about an hour. From there you can look for the chat transcript right here!
V/H/S (review) is available On Demand NOW with a limited theatrical run to follow beginning October 5th. For more info keep your eyes on the V/H/S Facebook page.
Segment directors include Adam Wingard (You’re Next, A Horrible Way to Die, Pop Skull), Simon Barrett (You’re Next, Dead Birds, Read Sands), Ti West (The House of the Devil, The Roost, The Innkeepers), David Bruckner (The Signal), Joe Swanberg (Silver Bullets), Glenn McQuaid (I Sell the Dead), along with Radio Silence, two of whom were part of the YouTube sensations known as Chad, Matt and Rob (Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Chad Villella).
When a group of petty criminals are hired by a mysterious party to retrieve a rare piece of found footage from a rundown house in the middle of nowhere, they soon realize that the job isn’t going to be as easy as they thought. In the living room a lifeless body holds court before a hub of old television sets, surrounded by stacks upon stacks of VHS tapes. As they search for the right one, they are treated to a seemingly endless number of horrifying videos, each stranger than the last.
Bringing together some of the top filmmakers in the game today, this wickedly conceived horror anthology sends the viewer through a gauntlet of suspense, terror, shock, and downright brutality—instantly distinguishing itself from a sea of lackluster found-footage horror flicks. The diverse and deviously creative minds behind V/H/S shatter any preconceived notions about the genre, making it feel inventive and captivating once again.

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