The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 5: The Hell Lord

Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard’s hit flick The Cabin in the Woods (Blu-ray / DVD review) is finally here, and today we have our last entry in the Beastiary. However, we did save one of the best for last… The Hell Lord.
We’ve already covered werewolves, zombies, wraiths and mermen, all quite wild, snarling beasts. The Hell Lord brings a completely different mood to the table. As the other monsters are out of control beasts, snapping, biting and shrieking, the Hell Lord is incredibly subdued, contemplative… and downright creepy. Of course, judging by the saw blades embedded in his head and the puzzle sphere (a rounded version of the Lament Configuration), we realize he is a tribute to the cenobites of Hellraiser.

Related Story: The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 1 – The Werewolf
Related Story: The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 2 – The Zombie
Related Story: The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 3 – The Wraith
Related Story: The Cabin in the Woods Beastiary Part 4 – The Merman
Although he is simply referred to as “Hell Lord” on the infamous whiteboard in The Cabin in the Woods, our alternate version of a cenobite actually has a name. The saw-bladed individual is better known as Fornicus the Lord of Bondage and Pain. Now that’s a catchy handle.
So what exactly is a cenobite? Simply put, it’s an inter-dimensional creature that always appears in some sort of ritually mutilated state. They travel to Earth through a space-time schism which is opened with a puzzle box (the aforementioned Lament Configuration). And the term cenobite refers to a member of a communal religious order. In The Hellbound Heart author Clive Barker states they are members of The Order of the Gash. Oh yeah!
We don’t really get to see the Hell Lord unleash his fury in The Cabin in the Woods, but we’re certain he’s got some deep-seated nastiness in him. He joins an amazing collection of beasties and baddies who all bring the pain to the film.
Look for the DVD or Blu-ray version of Joss Whedon/Drew Goddard’s celebrated film The Cabin in the Woods in stores NOW.

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