Resident Evil 6 Release Marks End of the World

Resident Evil 6 will release on October 2 for PS3 and Xbox 360. The National Center for Infectious Disease Research has announced that human life will end on this final day. Read on to learn more!
The National Center for Infectious Disease Research (NCIDR) has published key findings predicting the end of human life to occur on October 2, 2012. Lead researcher Dr. Harvey Joseph-Carlson cites recent wide-spread C-virus outbreak across North America, Europe and Asia as the cause for the projected end to humanity. The report highlights a rapid increase in the infected population as well as a decline in food rations, medical resources and lack of hope as key factors into his final projected end date.
“The end of humanity is a sad and inevitable reality that’s closing in fast on October 2, 2012,” notes Dr. Joseph-Carlson. “We have witnessed gruesome acts due to the widespread contagion and without a cure to the C-Virus we have run out of time and hope to save mankind.”
Dr. Joseph-Carlson’s research documents how the rise of C-Virus infection spreads rapidly through densely populated cities and filters into rural locations. The infection maps within the report outline how contaminated populations become “uninhabitable zones” for non-infected bystanders.
The origins of the C-Virus are still unclear. The C-Virus is a highly contagious mutagenic, non-carcinogenic virus and has no known cure. The incubation period of the virus is also unknown but victims are prone to see symptoms within 24 hours.
You can visit the official No Hope Left and Resident Evil 6 websites to learn more about the end of the world!

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