Video: Animated Zombie Short ETERNALLY is a Morbid and Sweet Treat
During quarantine, intrepid LA filmmaker Tim Montijo spent five months creating, directing, animating, and scoring the morbidly sweet zombie short Eternally. At just shy of 4 minutes, it’s truly a treat for horror fans!
Look for shout-outs to Friday the 13th, Psycho, Little Shop of Horrors, and (of course) Night of the Living Dead!
Montijo created Eternally using Unreal Engine 4. Check out a cool “making of” video below.
What do you think of Eternally? Did you enjoy the “making of” video for the short animated zom-rom? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.