Bring It On! GARGOYLES Creator Wants Live-Action Remake

Yesterday, we passed along word that Gargoyles co-creator Greg Weisman blames none other than OJ Simpson for the show’s demise. Read about that HERE. And today we hear Weisman wants to turn the animated series into a live-action movie.
He tells Polygon: “I’d love to, especially if they let me write and produce it. Obviously no one wants a bad version of Gargoyles, and if it sucked, that would be horrible. But even if it sucked, it might be high-profile enough to let us do more Gargoyles comics, or more of the show. That’s a deal I’d take. I don’t earn any money off of Gargoyles. Disney owns it 100%, but I obviously feel territorial about it. And I’d love to see the property be able to grow. As long as nothing is being done with it, that’s impossible. But if something is done with it, and I think being on Disney+ counts as something, there’s at least a shot at allowing us to tell more stories in that universe. That would be huge for me, emotionally.”
RELATED: GARGOYLES Creator Blames Show’s Demise on…OJ Simpson?
He adds: “I don’t know that it would be better in live-action, and God knows it could certainly be worse. But you could have Keith David play Goliath. You could have Marina Sirtis play Demona, because those would be CGI characters in a live-action world. You could really bring that show to life in a way that I think would be really cool. We had some pretty astounding, startling, wonderful visuals in the animated series, and seeing them in a live-action setting could be just badass. It’d just be another way to let the show live again. I wouldn’t mind taking the risks.”
RELATED: Gargoyles Receives Semi-Live Action Fan Film
For those of you keeping score at home, this is not the first time we’ve heard about a live-action Gargoyles movie. In fact, none other than Get Out and US writer-director Jordan Peele has teased he’d like to make one. God, I hope THAT happens.
Gargoyles originally aired from October 1994 to February 1997. The series features a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day. After spending a thousand years in an enchanted petrified state, the gargoyles (who have been transported from medieval Scotland) are reawakened in modern-day New York City, and take on roles as the city’s secret night-time protectors.