Exclusive: TELEPATH Mix BLACK SABBATH and H.P. Lovecraft In “Escape From The Witch House”

One of my favorite songwriters is Jacob Holm Lupo, who is the man behind White Willow and The Opium Cartel. Recently, Holm Lupo created his own side project that he’s called Telepath. A vehicle for creative outputs that needed its own identity, Telepath combines more aggressive musical stylings – such as doom, hard rock, thrash, etc… – with strong genre elements. It’s clear that an appreciation of horror and sci-fi plays a deep role in the music that is being created and, as such, it’s one helluva treat for anyone who’s into prog rock with a dash of terror thrown into the mix.
Today, we’re excited to bring you the exclusive premiere of Telepath‘s track “Escape From The Witch House”, which features After Twilight‘s Pedro de La Rocque. The song is a dark, sinister slice of classic heavy metal. Sonorous and foreboding, it goes through a variety of styles, dominating one moment and alluring the next.
Holm Lupo tells Dread Central, “‘Escape from the Witch House’ started out with some Sabbath-inspired riffing. But I wanted it to avoid complete doom cliched-ness by adding some more energetic lead guitar. My Brazilian friend Pedro de La Rocque is a brilliant shredder who shares my crossover passion for metal and synths, so I let him have a whack at the lead guitar here, and he absolutely nailed it, in my opinion. When I wrote the tune I was kind of envisioning the climax of an imaginary Lovecraft movie where the protagonists finally escape the horrors of a witch house or something, so that’s where the title comes from.”
“Escape From The Witch House” appears on the upcoming album Mental Mutations, which comes out October 18 via Apollon Records.
