Creepy Trailer for Haunted House Film Revenant Now Online

It seems that Revenant has become quite the popular film title recently. Aside from the horror-comedy zombie buddy flick starring David Anders and the revenge drama scheduled to film later this year with Sean Penn and Leonardo DiCaprio currently attached, we’ve just gotten word of an entirely new Revenant-entitled film. And this one focuses on a haunted house.
Produced by 2 Man Productions and CRC Digital Entertainment, Revenant is directed by Derek Cole (The Mutilation Man director) and stars Cain Clifton and Stephen Twardokus.
There’s not a ton of information on this one yet, but you can visit the Revenant website and poke around a bit (give them a little time; it’s still mostly under construction). Take a look at the trailer below. Pretty creepy stuff. Filming is scheduled to wrap later this year.
And with “Revenant” popping up all over, I had to look up the definition. If you’re unsure, it means a person who returns, or more specifically a person who returns as a spirit, after death. Mu-wah-ha-ha!
Thanks to DC reader Avery G for the heads-up!

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