Four New Behind-the-Scenes Videos from American Horror Story; A Few Hints Regarding Season Two
We couldn’t have been happier with the turn of events in last night’s season finale of “American Horror Story” on FX, but instead of rehashing what happened and spoiling it for anyone who may have DVR’d it and hasn’t watched yet, we’ll just share these four new behind-the-scenes videos provided by the network.
But before we get to that, how about some words from the show’s creator Ryan Murphy about what fans can expect in Season Two? As he told EW, it will begin with a new locale and a (mostly) new cast. “Some of them will be coming back,” Murphy teased during a teleconference today. “I’m talking to several of them, and we’re in negotiations. There will be familiar faces, but there will also be new faces on the show.” Murphy hopes to announce the new storyline and cast in February.
Should some of the first season actors return for another round of “AHS” episodes, they’ll be “playing completely different characters, creatures, and monsters,” Murphy added. ”It’s a really fun idea to do an anthology show. That’s the way it was designed from the beginning. Every season there will be a new haunting, and we’ll have a new overriding theme.”
But before we worry about that, let’s get back to those videos from Season One.
First up is “Fly Wrangler”, in which animal handler and insect expert Jules Sylvester delivers 4,000 flies to the set for a very buzz-worthy scene.
Next is a look at the “Visual Effects” of the show. Tim Jacobsen and Jason Piccioni of Fuse FX walk us through the process of creating some of the series’ visual effects.
Third we have “The Making of ‘Smoldering Children'” with director Michael Lehmann discussing the episode as Violet learns of her true fate and we go deeper into Constance and Tate’s past.
Lastly there’s “The Making of ‘Birth'”, in which Teddy Sears (Patrick) and director Alfonso Gomez-Rejona discuss not only the usual deaths but also the births that are taking place in this intense episode.
For more visit the show’s Facebook page along with “American Horror Story” on FX, where you’ll find some exclusive extras you won’t see anywhere else!
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