Art Imitates Death in the New Trailer for Art House

Official Art House Facebook Page
Killers? Let’s face it. Most of them are pretty artistically inclined. Ed Gein made furniture and clothing out of human remains, Michael Myers is known to step back to take in the sight of his handiwork, and Jason, well, he… he… okay, so he just makes a mess. Still, another artistic madman is on the loose in Steve Laurence’s Art House, and we have a look at his escapades for you!
Martin Laurence, Emily Baxter, Ryan Elliott, Rob Maloney, Blasse, Adrian Annis, and Uma Dhir star.
Thanks to DC reader Avery for the heads-up!
Art House is set over one hellacious night as Ben Richards races against time searching for his wife before it’s too late…
After work Ben goes out with his friends for a few drinks while Liz journeys to a model shoot from an internet advert. Liz cannot find the location and phones Jeff for help, quoting a road name, but they just argue and Liz cuts the call. Liz finally meets the photographer, who seems really nice. Ben is having a good time with his friends. While Liz changes for the next setup, the photographer gets some visitors asking for Michael. Once inside, the photographer attacks the visitors with a sledgehammer and kills them. Liz comes out of the bathroom and sees a gory mess of blood. She tries to escape, but all the doors are bolted and windows locked. She calls Ben and is about to tell him where she is when she is attacked and a plastic bag is pulled over her head!
So now begins Ben’s nightmare of trying to find Liz and uncover the truth.

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