Who Goes There Podcast: Ep 189 – OVERLORD

Gobble gobble, motherfuckers! Thanksgiving is finally upon us, and before you know it we’ll be recording our best/worst of the year episode. After you finish stuffing your face with your mother’s dry ass bird, and lumpy potatoes, and before you slip into that sweet, sweet food coma, try to take a minute to think about what you’re truly grateful for. Obviously you’re grateful for another stellar episode of the Who Goes There Podcast; maybe you’re also grateful for knowing that when it seems like Hollywood has run out of ideas they can always just make another nazi film, or a zombie film, or in the case of 2018’s Overlord, a nazi zombie film. (Review starts at 20:43)
Side note: Unfortunately I feel the need to state this beforehand, while no one ever refers to the beings in this film as “zombies”, they’re fuckin zombies. Deal with it, dorks. Is it time to review Santa’s Slay again?
This whole FUCKING TOWN is going to die! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 189!
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