(SPOILERS) THE WALKING DEAD Midseason Finally Could Be a Bloodbath! Who’s Most Likely to Die/Survive?

From the looks of things in the trailer for next week’s episode of The Walking Dead “Evolution” (bottom of the article), we could be in store for a bloodbath. By all appearances, a seemingly evolved heard of zombies is surrounding many of our key characters; those familiar with the source material (or who attended The Walking Dead panel at San Diego Comic-Con last summer) knows these walkers are, in fact, The Whisperers, a violent clan who survive by wearing the skin of zombies in order to mingle freely among the dead.
While the showrunners have always taken vast liberties with the source material (that being comic book series created by Robert Kirkman), The Whisperers are a notoriously brutal tribe with a propensity for displaying decapitated heads on spikes. This practice serves a couple of purposes: It scares the hell out of their enemies and marks what they consider their border, beyond which trespassers will be killed to the fullest extent of the law.
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If The Whisperers we meet this Sunday at 9 PM turn out to be as violent as we fear, we may be bidding a tearful adieu to many of the characters we’ve come to know and love. We aren’t offering odds or anything, but here are our predictions for those most likely to die and most likely to survive the midseason finally. Who will we meet again when The Walking Dead returns in February after its hiatus? Time will tell.
Most Likely to Survive:
Rick Grimes and Maggie Greene/Rhee can’t possibly die because they aren’t currently anywhere near The Whisperers. Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan have left the series and, while the former will appear in made-for-TV movies, the latter’s future with the franchise is a complete unknown. Either way, you can kill the characters who aren’t around.
Michone, Carol, and Daryl can’t possibly die. The sizeable, core group from Season 1 has been decimated down to practically none. While showrunners have definitely made the series their own, I predict a revolt if any of these three ends up with their head on spikes. My hopes are pretty high for teenage-Henry too, especially now that he’s calling Carol “Mom”. I mean, after everything she’s endured it would be psychological cruelty (for her and us viewers) if The Walking Dead showrunners snatch him away so callously.
Most Likely to Die
Full disclosure: A lot of my theories here come from Walking Dead forums dedicated to spoilers; theories are traded and debated based on events that happen in the comic book series and rumors from supposed insiders (which, through sheer astronomical odds, do sometimes prove true). That said, the unfortunate souls who end up with their heads on spikes in the comics include Rosita and Ezekiel. While it pains me to think it could be true, the characters are both in happy, romantic relationships—a sure-fire way to mark yourself for death in a show like The Walking Dead. It’s like the detective who takes one last case a week before his retirement.
The one I believe is the most likely to die, however, is Jesus (Tom Payne)—and I say this without a shred of joy. This theory is primarily based on some comments the British actor made to The Daily Star last March. In addition to bemoaning the fact that he doesn’t enjoy playing the same character repeatedly, Payne made an offhand statement that may prove extremely telling:
“A part of me is like, ‘I don’t want to play the same guy over and over again,’ but I know that it’s finite.”
“Finite”? Is Payne talking in the universal sense, as in “all life is finite”, or does he know that something’s coming—a light at the end of the zombie-infested tunnel so to speak. It’s all just conjecture as to whether or not Jesus will make it past the midseason finale, but, either way, I’d advice Walking Dead fans to at least contemplate the idea of life after Jesus.
Check out a preview of this Sunday’s midseason finale below.
Who do you think is most likely to die and most likely to survive The Walking Dead’s Season 9 midseason finale this weekend? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!