Fan Film FRIDAY THE 13TH: VENGEANCE Features Jason’s Father Elias Voorhees

Jason Lives is one of my favorite chapters in the Friday the 13th franchise, so when I heard there was a fan film in the works that picks up after the 6th chapter, I was definitely curious. Friday the 13th: Vengeance recently passed its funding goals on Kickstarter, pulling in over $40K at the time of this posting. With that kind of loot, Friday fans are hoping for something phenomenal.
Vengeance takes place roughly thirty years after the events of Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI. The story begins with Elias Voorhees, Jason’s father, returning to Crystal Lake and a string of grisly murders that soon follows his arrival. After hearing the news of the most recent killings Tommy Jarvis then goes missing, which leaves it up to his daughter Angelica Jarvis to rise to the challenge of not only finding her father, but also finding a way to destroy his old nemesis Jason Voorhees in the process. Armed with knowledge never previously known about Jason, Angelica may prove to be his greatest threat yet, which culminates in an epic showdown of Jarvis vs. Voorhees.
Since the Friday the 13th franchise has been struggling to maintain its relevance in the 21st Century (mostly owing to studio mismanagement of the property) fan films are becoming an important extension of the mythos. With filmmaking technologies and resources now available to up-and-comers, some amazing stuff is being produced completely independent of the Hollywood machinery.
You can learn more about Friday the 13th: Vengeance on their Kickstarter page, HERE. The film is directed by Jeremy Brown and stars C.J. Graham, Steve Dash, and Lexington Vanderberg.
Are you a Friday the 13th fan? Are you excited to check out the fan film Friday the 13th: Vengeance? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!