HALLOWEEN TV Series Still in the Works

More and more these days we see horror movies make the turn towards the TV. It’s a real renaissance, and today we have word via our buddies over at Bloody Disgusting that the next film heading to the small screen may be John Carpenter’s Halloween.
The site spoke with franchise producer Malek Akkad, and he said there’s still interest in the weekly format.
“You know, it’s something that we’ve had for a long time and I definitely want to see it done,” Akkad says. “When we started doing it… this was in development about a decade ago. At the time, I think the thought was we don’t want to cannibalize the theatrical. Let’s keep it as a theatrical event movie. If that starts flowing down, we would address TV. Nowadays, we all know, TV is pulling out ahead of theatrical in a way that surprised everybody, certainly me.”
To be safe, the producer made sure to let us all know that the potential Halloween TV series will involve Michael Myers.
“The one we were developing and that I still feel very strongly about, he’s involved in it,” Akkad said. “That’s really all I can say about it now. It wouldn’t look anything like your traditional Halloween movie, but he’s in there as are a lot of other characters but used in different and interesting ways. I wish I could talk more about it but it’s something we’re looking at very closely.”
We’ll let you know when we hear more about this potential TV series. Until then, make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
We think Halloween could make a killer TV series and we have just the pitch for it too. Make sure to check back with us tomorrow for our full pitch for Haddonfield.