Authorities Say Jason Voorhees Statue at the Bottom of Lake Pleasant’s Got to Go

Remember last February when our own Jonathan Barkan reported on a Jason Voorhees statue that had been planted at the bottom of a lake in Minnesota? It was placed in a popular diving area by some intrepid Friday the 13th fans in 2013. The idea must have caught on, because it inspired divers in Arizona to plant their own Voorhees replica at the bottom of Lake Pleasant back in May.
Related Article: Someone Put a Statue of Jason Voorhees in a Minnesota Lake For Divers to Stumble Across
The folks in Arizona, however, should have taken a tip from the folks in Minnesota and kept the exact location of their Jason statue a secret. Unfortunately, authorities are saying the Jason in Lake Pleasant (along with a number of other oddities) will have to be removed.
According to the AZ Central:
After recently viewing a Reddit thread and a YouTube video of a couple divers interacting with the Voorhees statue, parks officials are working to retrieve the likeness of the movie murderer and possibly other items placed underwater by members of the diving group.
“We really have to be mindful and respectful of nature,” said David Jordan, Lake Pleasant Regional Park supervisor. “That’s one of our biggest things.”
In addition to Jason, items planted in Lake Pleasant include several skeletons and a Christmas Tree. The statue’s creator Zachary Nagy, a diver and member of a public Arizona scuba enthusiast’s Facebook group, claims the underwater items are used as markers and should be allowed to remain. He put Jason in the lake back on May 19th.
For anyone else planning to plant a Jason Voorhees statue at the bottom of a lake, let this be a lesson to you: Don’t do it—or don’t tell!
What do you think about the practice of planting Jason Voorhees statues at the bottom of lakes? Do you think the Arizona Parks Department should remove it or leave it alone? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!