Exclusive SOUR BEAR Poster Makes For One Sinister Teddy Bear

What if you held inside yourself a dark secret, one that eats away at your soul, what would you do? For some people, bearing that burden would be something they relieve themselves of at any offer. For others, they’d take it to the grave. That’s where Sour Bear comes in.
What you have is a film about a man who cheats on his wife only to be held accountable by a rideshare customer who dons a green bear costume to terrorize him over the course of a night into admitting his sins. Think along the lines of I Saw The Devil.
Today, we’ve got the exclusive poster premiere for the film, which was designed by Johnny Attridge (Derelicts). Check it out to the right.
“Greg lies to and betrays everyone in his life. He cheats on his wife; using a second job as a rideshare driver to date other women. After one of his blind dates goes badly, Greg picks up a mysterious rider who dons a green bear costume and savagely attacks him. Sour Bear tells him that he must confess to all his transgressions and if he doesn’t follow the rules there will be consequences. Over the course of one night, Greg is repeatedly beaten and humiliated by the bear as he is dragged to his show trial where the bear will get the truth out of him even if it kills him.”
Written and directed by Adam Ruhl, Sour Bear stars David Moxham, Carly Christopher, J. Alan Nelson, Aaron D. Alexander, and Marten Carlson as “Sour Bear”.