James Wan & Stephen King’s THE TOMMYKNOCKERS Abducts Screenwriter

A few weeks back we passed along the news that James Wan will be producing a readaptation of Stephen King’s so-so alien invasion novel The Tommyknockers. And today we have word on just who has been hired to pen the new film.
Turns out The Exorcist showrunner Jeremy Slater has been tapped for the job we learned via Variety. Good choice, we say!
Are you excited about Slater’s involvement with this remake? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
The film is being produced by James Wan and Michael Clear, the team behind The Nun and Annabelle: Creation, Roy Lee (IT), and the ABC mini-series’ executive producer Larry Sanitsky.
The discovery of a long-buried alien object and the disastrous consequences its unearthing has on the residents of the Maine town of Haven. Some people are inspired to commit violent acts, others disappear, almost everyone’s lives are influenced for the worse.