Trailer: MAD MAX Meets RESIDENT EVIL in Mathieu Turi’s HOSTILE

This September, 4Digtial Media will be releasing writer-director Mathieu Turi’s Hostile starring Brittany Ashworth, Grégory Fitoussi, and Javier Botet onto VOD & Digital HD On Leading Digital Platforms & DVD.
And today we have the film’s poster and trailer for your viewing pleasure. You can check out the poster to the right and the trailer below.
After that make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
The film is written and directed by Mathieu Turi and stars Brittany Ashworth, Grégory Fitoussi, and Javier Botet. It hits VOD & Digital HD On Leading Digital Platforms & DVD via 4Digital Media September 4th, 2018.
A worldwide epidemic has killed most of the planet’s population. The few survivors struggle to find food and shelter. But they are not alone. On her way back from a scavenging mission, Juliette (Brittany Ashworth) has a terrible accident. Stuck in her car, with a broken leg, in the middle of an unforgiving desert, she must survive the perils of the post-apocalypse, while a strange creature prowls around.