Lindsay Lohan is a Vampire in New Poster + Trailer for AMONG THE SHADOWS

It’s been a minute since we’ve heard any news about Lindsay Lohan’s upcoming werewolf flick Among the Shadows (formerly titled The Shadow Within). Having been shot a few years ago, the film’s release has been held up for quite some time.
But while we all wait with burning anticipation to see whether Lohan will reprise her role in Life-Size 2 (!!!) – we can feast on a new poster and trailer for her return to the big screen!
Among the Shadows follows Kristy Wolfe (Charlotte Beckett, All the Money in the World), a private investigator attempting to unravel the mystery of her uncle’s murder. But Wolfe has a secret — as her name would suggest, she descends from a long line of werewolves.
Lohan plays Patricia Sherman, the wife of European Federation President Richard Sherman. Patricia enlists Wolfe’s help to protect her husband against attack from the detective’s clan. But as it turns out, Lohan is a vampire! As the trailer suggests, the film revolves around the battle of competing creatures against a political backdrop.
Lower-budget fare? Yep! Probably a bit schlocky? Well, hopefully! But the visuals are decent – and we could always use more Lohan on the screen! That’s just a fact we’re all going to have to contend with ~ Public mishaps aside, she’s never really given a bad performance – and she looks and sounds decent here! Let’s give it a shot.
We recently spoke with Scottish actor and genre vet Gianni Capaldi (Nightworld), who plays a detective alongside Beckett. While our full interview has yet to go up, we can share that he doesn’t feel the star power will overbear the film — and likewise, he isn’t worried about the public’s reaction. “Lindsay as a vampire is a must-see for all her fans. It will attract publicity so that’s always a plus. Vampires, werewolves, and a Scottish detective… What more do you want from a genre film?”
The film also stars Dominik Madani, Olivier Englebert, Reynald Biales, and David Hugh Kelly. As of right now, Among the Shadows does not have a concrete release date – but it is assumed the film will be released within the coming months.