Meet Baby Frankenstein!

In the most heartwarming bit of post-Halloween news, MSN reports via the Associated Press that Winter Park, Florida, got the best treat of all… a baby named Frankenstein!
Below you’ll find the chubby-cheeked face of Oskar Gary Frankenstein, who was delivered on Halloween after 14 hours of labor. Parents Kyle and Jessica Frankenstein tell news outlets that Baby Frankenstein weighed in at 6 pounds (3 kilograms), 9 ounces (255 grams) and is 20 inches (50 centimeters) long. No lightning was required for him to take his first breath… just the necessary smack on the butt!
How very appropriate. Welcome to the world, baby Frankenstein! It’s gonna be super easy for everyone to remember your birthday, kid! And congrats to Kyle and Jessica along with their family!

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