Spend Christmas With Eibon Press and Bottomfeeder

The badasses over at Eibon Press just sent over the high-res cover art of their first original comic series, Bottomfeeder, and we have it for you right here! Dig it!
From the Press Release:
That’s right, kids . . . Eibon Press’ FIRST EVER ORIGINAL COMIC SERIES BEGINS in DECEMBER! It’s a foul-mouthed ultraviolent film noir monster movie in graphic novel form, brought to you in three big bites! This first issue of our 3-issue limited series introduces you to JOE ANGELL, the darkest anti-hero in comics, a scumbag bad lieutenant who faces down the mutating menace of a toxic waste creature hell bent on mayhem and destruction. There’s never been anything quite like BOTTOMFEEDER, and we’re putting our money where our mouth is by offering our first issue in a king sized double issue! And that’s not all…
You read that right too! BOTTOMFEEDER #1 will be available to buy in their store in DECEMBER, with no pre-order period! Which means your comics will ship immediately, in time for Christmas! Plus this is a SUPER LIMITED SIGNED EDITION of just 1,000 copies, sure to become an instant collectors item.
This is Eibon’s finest work yet! So don’t miss out! And speaking of “finest work…”
VHS COMICS has been Eibon’s fastest selling comics line yet, with amazing sales… but they still have copies left! MANIAC and LASERBLAST are king-hell badassery and you need them in your life!
For more information visit the official Eibon Press website, “like” Eibon Press on Facebook, and follow Eibon Press on Twitter and Instagram.