Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead – Which Unedited Version Is Scream Factory Releasing? We Have Your Answer!

When Scream Factory announced they’d be releasing Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead in a collector’s edition Blu-ray that’s home to both rated and unrated versions we wondered which unrated version they’d be giving us as there were actually two of them.
The domestic unrated version was still missing the nudity found in the international German release.
The scene comes at 0:09:40 into the film’s runtime, which finds Ana (Sarah Polley) driving through the chaos when a bloodied and topless woman appears. In the U.S. release her extremities are covered by adding in some CG blood to Ana’s windshield. In the German version (also released by Universal) everything is all hanging out.
See some comparison shots we got via below.

We got our hands on the Blu-ray today and are happy to report that it is indeed the complete uncensored international cut with the nudity intact.