Puppet Master: Toulon’s Trunk Box Set – Pre-orders Go Live on 10/2/17

If you’re in the market for what is no doubt THE ULTIMATE PUPPET MASTER COLLECTIBLE – Toulon’s Trunk, then pay attention! Pre-orders are on their way to going LIVE! Make sure you nab yours come October 2, 2017!
From the Press Release:
A replica of the mystical Andre Toulon’s travelling case in the Puppet Master franchise, Toulon’s Trunk is a stunning wood and metal-forged box set containing all 11 official Puppet Master films remastered on Blu-ray as well as a bonus disc, a mini Blade figure (more mini figures will be released this year to add to the collection), collectible booklet, startling new cover artwork for each film, and much more! Each box set will be numbered and signed by producer Charles Band.
The first 100 copies of Toulon’s Trunk will be available for pre-sale on 10/02 and on sale 10/16 exclusively at FullMoonDirect.com. More copies will be available in November.
And be sure to watch the World Premiere of the 11th and wildest Puppet Master movie, Puppet Master: Axis Termination’s, first installment, “War Toys,” available EXCLUSIVELY this Friday, September 15th, on Full Moon’s Amazon channel in the U.S., U.K.. and Germany.