Brad Dourif to be Honored at This Year’s New York City Horror Film Festival

Brad Dourif has been whipping ass for many, many years in the horror genre and beyond so it makes perfect sense that he be honored! In fact… it’s LONG overdue.
From the Press Release:
At this year’s 15th edition of the New York City Horror Film Festival, broad-ranged character actor Brad Dourif, beloved to fright fans as the voice of killer doll Chucky, will receive the event’s Lifetime Achievement Award on Saturday, Oct. 28. The prestigious trophy honors Mr. Dourif for his long-ranging contributions to horror cinema, and the actor will accept in person.
Brad Dourif began his career on the stage where he was eventually noticed by Milos Forman and cast as Billy Bibbit in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST, a role which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. He has brought his craft to classic genre films including the John Carpenter-scripted EYES OF LAURA MARS; David Lynch’s DUNE and BLUE VELVET; and William Peter Blatty’s THE EXORCIST III. Dourif gained further renown for voicing Chucky in the CHILD’S PLAY franchise, the latest film of which, CULT OF CHUCKY, debuts this fall.
13 features and 31 short films make up this year’s festival, which opens Thurs Oct. 26, with a range of films including New York premieres of Mitchell Altieri’s THE NIGHT WATCHMEN; Norbert Keil’s REPLACE starring Barbara Crampton; Benjamin Arfmann’s DISMISSED starring Dylan Sprouse; Richard Stringham’s CLOSE CALLS; and Mathieu Turi’s HOSTILE starring Javier (IT) Botet; and the North American premiere of Michael Mongillo’s ghost story DIANE.
The festival runs October 26–29, at Cinépolis Cinemas, 260 West 23rd Street., at the corner of 8th Avenue and 23rd Street in the heart of New York’s Chelsea district, just one block over from the famed Chelsea Hotel, once home to Sid Vicious, Andy Warhol, Patti Smith, Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, and Arthur C. Clarke.
The NYC Horror Film Festival was born in 2002 by filmmaker Michael J. Hein as a venue for newer independent horror filmmaking. After Michael’s passing in 2011, the festival created the Michael J. Hein Achievement Award to celebrate the hard work and perseverance of creators in the field. George Romero was the first recipient of the festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award, followed by other classic scaremeisters including Rob Zombie, Roger Corman, Frank Henenlotter, Robert Englund, Stuart Gordon, and the beloved late Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, Angus Scrimm, and Herschell Gordon Lewis.
The full schedule for the New York City Horror Film Festival is here!