Wes Craven’s Summer of Fear Heats Up on Blu-ray for the First Time!

One of horror master Wes Craven’s lesser known films, Summer of Fear, is finally making its Blu-ray premiere after nearly 40 years, and we have all the details you need!
From the Press Release:
This summer, Doppelganger Releasing brings back master of horror Wes Craven’s 1978 cult favorite Summer of Fear, also known as Stranger in Our House, starring Linda Blair, Lee Purcell, Jeremy Slate, Jeff East, and Fran Drescher.
Based on the best-selling young adult novel by Lois Duncan of You Know What I Did Last Summer fame, Wes Craven’s Summer of Fear tells the tale of plucky teenaged Rachel (Blair) whose life is turned dangerously upside down when her cousin Julie (Purcell) moves in following the death of her parents in a car crash. Julie enchants everyone in the family and appears to be a loving relative, but Rachel knows her cousin is up to something creepy… something like witchcraft!
Thirty-nine years later, Wes Craven’s Summer of Fear will finally make its Blu-ray debut with a Special Collector’s Edition alongside a DVD and VOD (iTunes, Amazon Instant, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube) release. The disc will be available beginning October 10th for the suggested retail price of $29.95 (BD) and $19.95 (DVD). Special bonus features will include: exclusive new interview with Linda Blair, director commentary by Wes Craven, poster and still gallery, and the original trailer.
Music Box Films Home Entertainment acquired U.S. domestic rights to the 1978 film, and it will be released under the Doppelgänger Releasing banner, which includes genre titles such as The Cairnes Brothers’ 100 Bloody Acres, the Dutch action-thriller Black Out, the six-part psychological thriller Penance by acclaimed director Kiyoshi Kurosawa, and more.
A chilling cult classic, Wes Craven’s SUMMER OF FEAR (1978) follows a country family of five who take in cousin Julie (Lee Purcell), whose parents recently died in a car crash. While the rest of the family and those around them are completely charmed by Julie, teenaged daughter Rachel (Linda Blair) grows suspect that her cousin has an alternative agenda, one that possibly includes witchcraft.