Spend 60 Seconds with The Exorcist and Lots of Clay
If there’s one thing we love around here it’s claymation. It’s just so much more fascinating than anything we’ve seen that’s CGI. Another thing we love? The Exorcist a.k.a. the movie that single-handedly ruined the chances of success for just about any filmmaker who dared to make a possession flick. Put them both together and you get one thing … A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF WIN.
DC reader “Mike” sent us a link to a video called The Exorcist – Done in 60 seconds. With Clay. that was created for Empire Online’s DONE IN 60 SECONDS SHORTLIST competition.
Check it out below, and hit up that link for more quick spoofs including Jurassic Park, The Terminator, Predator, and even Paranormal Activity. Dig it!
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