Are You Ready to Find Out What is Scary?


So really, dearest reader, what scares you the most? Speaking for myself, the answer is clear: the enigma that is Don King’s Afro and the mystery that it represents. Okay, never mind … it is frightening though. Filmmaker Adam Barnick has gone to great lengths to try and answer this question, and his new documentary, What is Scary?, is almost ready to shed some light on the subject.

“What is Scary? is an independent documentary that asks and analyzes a basic question that everyone has an answer for, if not an easy answer. While not intending to simply be a list of fears, phobias or ‘what scares you’, we hope to provoke thought and discussion while entertaining an audience, inside and outside of fans of the horror genre,” says Barnick.

“Initial production was simple: A voicemail was set up, and people were encouraged to call in and answer the question ‘What is scary?’ as they saw fit. The answers received are from a variety of people in a multitude of professions – friends, family, scholars, artists, filmmakers and more; responses ranging from generalized to deeply personal; spontaneous to intensely thought-out; hilarious to heartbreaking.”

Barnick continues, “Taking the audience on a visual and aural journey, its presentation will be through a combination of Ken Burns-styled still images consisting of licensed stock photos, original photographs by the filmmaker and hired photographers, as well as animations. The callers’ responses and imagery will be underscored with a feature-length track of ambient sound design.

Sounds pretty badass, does it not? Dig on the trailer below, and for more information check out the official What is Scary? website and follow Adam Barnick on Twitter!

“What is Scary?” teaser trailer from Adam Barnick on Vimeo.

Are you Ready to Find Out What is Scary?

Uncle Creepy

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