Scream Factory Sends RoboCop Back Out on Duty; Fires Up Firestarter

Some pretty nifty news heading our way from (who else?) Scream Factory as they’ve announced several new titles via their official Facebook page. Read on for details!
Fans of the popular Robocop sci-fi franchise and are for a treat next year as we’re bringing both ROBOCOP 2 & ROBOCOP 3 into the Scream Factory family on March 21st!
Both Blu-ray releases will be branded as “Collector’s Editions” that will come with a slipcover (guaranteed for three months after its original release date).
The newly-commissioned front-facing artwork you see pictured on both comes to us from artist Paul Shipper (Escape from New York, The Thing) The reverse side of the wraps will showcase the original theatrical poster art designs.
Bonus features and specs are still in progress and will be announced sometime in Feb.
Pre-order now directly from our website which includes shipping two weeks early plus a free 18” x 24” poster of the newly-designed key art (while supplies last)!
Here’s something hot to start off your week! The 1984 pyromania-filled thriller from Stephen King will be coming to Scream Factory in early 2017! Read on for more details:
Official release date is March 14th.
As announced earlier, this will branded as a “Collector’s Edition” that will come with a slipcover (guaranteed for three months after its original release date).
The newly-commissioned front-facing artwork you see pictured comes to us from The CRP Group (Dead Ringers, Raising Cain) The reverse side of the wraps will showcase the original theatrical poster art.
Bonus features and specs are still in progress and will be announced sometime in Feb. However, we can confirm now that we will be doing a new 2K transfer of the film.
– Pre-order now directly from our website @…/firestarter-collector-s-edit… which includes shipping two weeks early plus a free 18” x 24” poster of the newly-designed key art (while supplies last)!