William Lustig’s 1982 Classic Maniac Coming Soon from VHS Comics!

Yes, it’s official. The awesome boys at Eibon Press have finally gone batshit nuts in the name of 1980s horror! We’ve just gotten the first teaser from their upcoming comic adaptation of William Lustig’s original sleazebag horror shocker Maniac!
As you can see, Maniac is a part of Eibon’s already-announced VHS COMICS line, which will feature ongoing adaptations of classic titles from the analog video era. Eibon co-publisher Stephen Romano had this to say: “When we decided to do VHS COMICS, we wanted two titles right out the gate that would land well with the fans. We wanted something kind of campy and sci-fi fun for one of the books, which of course is Laserblast. But we wanted our second debut title to be really hardcore horror. And there’s nothing harder core in our opinion than Joe Spinell as the Manica, man! ”
“It’s a killer classic of grindhouse grunge, and we’re working on a comic book that will shock the living shit out if everyone who gets an eyeful of it. If you thought the movie was horrifying, just wait’ll you get a load of this! It’s a real celebration of the film and a tribute to the amazing Joe Spinell, who was a true movie legend and a real inspiration to me personally over the years. He lived and died for his characters, and Maniac was his Rocky, as Bill Lustig often likes to say. Joe wrote the film and gave a career-defining performance as one of the sickest, rawest psychos in movie history. You see all that and a lot more in our comic book. The script covers the film, yes, but we really get in Joe’s head for some dark, dark trips that go beyond the film and into some truly squishy territory. It’s a total bloodbath, man. We were pretty big fans of the remake and all, but I think it’s time to remind people who the boss really is when it comes to being a maniac.”
Both Maniac and Laserblast will drop next year as special stand-alone issues of VHS Comics, contained in the usual “Eibon Sleeve” packaging the fans have come to know and love. The script is by Romano, with stunning art by Pat Carbajal. You can also get a preview of this stuff in Issue #2 of the quarterly BOOK OF EIBON magazine, which is available in the current BOX OF DREAD!
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid . . .